• photography yasmin schaffer


    'chalkpictures' - 2014 - Series 3
    chalk on ground, photography

    In the city places are visited repeatedly and examined for transformation. Differences are written with chalk on the ground. This results in a superposition of time points.

    June 2014, Basel


     Little boy pawing the groung to take a run-up again and again


     A man wearing a steel bowl as a head


     a woman trying to relax in spite of techno music



     street band playing damn good music. police is coming wanting them to leave. They are walking away and are starting to play again 10 m away



     tramp waiting for a dishwasher who accidently droped all his plates collecting the pieces


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    Chalkpictures - 2014 - series 2

    chalk on ground, photography

    In the city places are visited repeatedly and examined for transformation. Differences are written with chalk on the ground. This results in a superposition of time points.

    Mai 2014, Istanbul









    Big cities like Istanbul happen to change enormously over the years. I return to places I have been years before and I trace what changed.  



    Tiny old gecekondu houses made of stone painted in different colors standing in a row.





    An old wooden abandoned house next to the Istanbul Bridge. In the past it was used as a school for girls.


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    Chalkpictures - 2011 - series 1 
    chalk on ground, photography

    In the city places are visited repeatedly and examined for transformation. Differences are written with chalk on the ground. This results in a superposition of time points.

    Jurneys are often very intensive experients, wich fill us with memories about moments and chance encounters. We normally take this bundle of souvenirs home. But in this project I leave my impressions in the form of chalknotes back on the streets. In fact I returned to the exact places, where the memories originated from in order to write them down on the street there. It's becomin a trace of sorts, a kind of echo.  These small chalknotes are destined to fade away over time or to be washed away by the rain, ephemeral, just like memories and temporary like our lay overs. 

    They may be undiscovered or detected and read by others then onwards whirring in their heads. 

    Like little news the notifications disperse in the city.

    To capture these notations on camera is kind of a disire or longing for immortality.

    April 2011, New York


    Kreide - New York


    Everywhere you look into smiling faces.


    Kreide - New York


    Two girls running into the subway which is just about to leave. They catch the subway by squashing in threw the closing doors. But by doing so the doors got caught an the subway could not pull out. One after another passanger tried to get them closed. They pulled, pushed, gave it a tug, but tried in vain. Than a large, slender coloured man in a black business coat stood up, went to the door, layed on his hands and all of a sudden the door closed. The whole wagon laughed and gave applaus to him. He took a bow and sit down again.  In that case another passanger asked him "how did you do that?", and he responded smirkingly: "I have no idea!"


     Kreide - New York


    Almost at every turn there are street vendors, that cat-call at you "Hey where do you come from?" and so it can happen, that you call back: "We are from nowhere!"


     Kreide - New York


    During my midnight phototours I met a manager from Hong Kong, who told me how boring my photo scene was and that I should rather photograph these bicycles, because this was a symbol for New York. The pimped up pinke bike of the man on the street next to the bike of the successful was an allegory for the will and the pressure to keep up with at all times and to undiviatingly fight.


    Kreide - New York



    Ich wollte auf einen abgesperrten Parkplatz, der auf einen dunklen Hinterhof führte, um Aufnahmen zu machen. Als der Parkplatzwärter mir davon abriet mit Verweis auf mögliche Junkies, stellte ich mich mit meinem Stativ an die Absperrung, um wenigstens von dort ein paar Fotos mitzunehmen. Als er das sah, kam er zu mir und sagte "You are an ambitious young lady" und bat mir an, wache für mich zu stehen, so dass ich meine Aufnahmen machen konnte, wir kamen ins Gespräch und am Ende sprach ich auch noch mit seinem Bruder in Jamaika am Telefon.



    Kreide - New York



    Doch natürlich gibt es auch die Kehrseite der Medaille. So sah ich allein innerhalb einer Woche gleich 3 Menschen am helllichten Tage zusammengebrochen auf dem nackten Asphalt liegen. Darunter auch eine Junge Frau.



     Kreide - New York


    Und dann gab es während des Schreibens neue Begegnungen, die die erste quasi überschrieben. So blieb eine Frau mit Kinderwagen stehen, las das Niedergeschriebene voller Entsetzen und fragte mich "my god, when did that happen?" Und so kamen wir ins Gespräch.


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    Istanbul streets 2006


    habitat - china









    habitat - china









    habitat - china








    habitat - china







    habitat - china








    habitat - china







    habitat - china


    Istanbul havasi - analoges Diamaterial - Türkei 2006



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    Eyecatcher 2009 - Peking


    Blickfang - Peking







    Blickfang - Peking







    Blickfang - Peking







    Blickfang - Peking







    Blickfang - Peking







    Blickfang - Peking







    Blickfang - Peking







    Blickfang - Peking







    Blickfang - Peking







    Blickfang - Peking







    Blickfang - Peking



    In der Großstadtszene Chinas heißt es Sehen und Gesehen werden. Nirgendwo hat sich das so eindrucksvoll gezeigt, wie an diesem Platz im 798 Art District. Ein magischer Ort, an dem sich die Passanten wie durch Zauberei in wahre Schausteller verwandelten und wo sich oft die Frage stellte, wer beobachtet wen? Und warum fotografieren sie mich? Warum fotografiere ich sie?


    photographic dokumentation of the happening 'Schau-Show-Platz'

    798 Art District Peking




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    bulk trash compositions
    photographic documentation 2007





























    Hausrat, der getürmt, gestapelt, gereiht, gerollt, gestellt, gelegt, gelehnt, gestaffelt, gedreht, gewendet, geschachtelt und genau platziert ein neues Ganzes ergibt. Eine Skulptur. Eine Installation. Eine Inszenierung.

    Wie sich die Dinge in Reih und Glied, akurat und ordentlich am Straßenrand, vermutlich zum ersten Mal, der Öffentlichkeit präsentieren, auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere angelangt, birgt vor dem Hintergrund ihres nahen Untergangs eine gewisse Ironie und tragische Komik in sich. 



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     Yasmin Schaffer Photographie Photo  Media Art yasminschaffer